Fallout shelter cheats android vault 1.sav
Fallout shelter cheats android vault 1.sav

fallout shelter cheats android vault 1.sav

  • Open Fallout Shelter and you're good to goīethesda Launcher, Steam, and Windows 10: It's easy enough to just manually copy files, copy the vault saves to wherever you want.
  • Restore App Data, choosing the Fallout Shelter.iMazingApp.
  • Reinstall and launch the app, but don't start a new game or download any cloud saves.
  • Delete Fallout Shelter from your iOS device.
  • Replace the vault save file(s), re-compress the files into a.
  • Grab any vault save file(s) and do any save editing you want at this point.
  • Open iMazing, but do not perform a full backup.
  • Unlock the phone and grant access to the computer.
  • Install the free iMazing for Windows or macOS.
  • Backup your save to the cloud, just in case.
  • They've provided a detailed step-by-step, which they did on iOS version 11.4:

    fallout shelter cheats android vault 1.sav

    The other method is from an anonymous user.

  • Put the save you want back in the backup, with the correct hash as its filename.
  • If you're doing this to use a save editor you'll want to rename it to Vault1.sav, do your stuff, then rename it back to exactly the same long string of letters and numbers. Using a backup explorer of your choice you can view what the hashes are for the actual filenames to find out which is the file you want.
  • The filename will be hashed, that is, it will be some long string of letters and numbers.
  • IOS: I've got two methods here for transferring to and from thanks to two iOS users.

    fallout shelter cheats android vault 1.sav

    You can alternatively copy the files yourself to somewhere else. It apparently has permissions issues with trying to access your save file in newer Android versions, in which case its backup feature will be useless. People have had problems recovering their vaults from the cloud before, and if your game corrupts it's easy for the corrupt version to get saved to the cloud (and if you're not using the cloud or can't and it corrupts then you're screwed if you don't have a backup).įor all platforms see 1.4 for where the game files are located.Īndroid: Give robot9706's Android save editor a look as it has a backup feature (along with many other useful editing features if you're interested). That being said, I would strongly recommend manually backing up your vault every once in a while as well. If you've reinstalled the game or are playing on a new device, check the box in the empty slot where your vault was, and a loading bar should come up as it downloads your vault from the cloud.

    fallout shelter cheats android vault 1.sav

    For platforms that don't automatically cloud save simply check the box next to your vault in the vault list, and you will enable it. Q: How can I protect my vault from corruption, if I have to reinstall the game, or move to a new device?Ī: The game's method of doing so is cloud saving (not available on Bethesda Launcher version, available everywhere else I believe).

    Fallout shelter cheats android vault 1.sav